I sent this to Alan today, listing bits of good news is a good exercise for me on my journey to peace:
Lots of good news today
- I sent in my application for student loan forgiveness and, when I called to follow-up, they said that there is no approval board or anything, it is simply, if I qualify, I get the amount forgiven. So, now we just wait and see if that is accurate…but, I was a special ed teacher in Provo from 1992-2004, so, it should work the five years necessary no matter how they calculate it.
- Mrs. Fredlund called me today and told me she is putting Jordan into the highest reading group which is reading a bit beyond a 3rd grade level. Jordan tested just barely at a 3rd grade level, but, I am really going to push that with Jordan because Jordan has been thinking she is a first grade reader and not eager to read more challenging books.
- Guy has invited Seth to go camping with him Thursday night. It’s president’s weekend and there’s no school on Friday so, the boys are goin’ campin’ Seth, is SO excited! When I told him that Uncle Guy wondered if he would like to go camping this weekend, Seth answered with an enthusiastic YES. Then asked, do you think he will take Tanner too? I assured him that Uncle Guy would be taking all 3 of his own sons as wellJ. Funny kid.
- Kailey took the MAPS achievement test today and came up 7 points in math. That puts her above the expected achievement for math for the year (she got 214 and the expected grade level score for 4th grade end of year is 211)—she bumped down on the last math MAPS test, so, she made up ground with this test.